Hi Family!

I’m looking forward to our “Drive-In Communion” time and worship tomorrow.  To recap these plans;

-Plan to arrive to the church parking lot by 10am (stay in your cars).
-Connect to our wifi if you wish and log onto our YouTube channel.
-A designated (and healthy) person will be around to your vehicle to give you the number of pre-packaged communion elements you need.
-At 10:05, I will begin live-streaming from our YouTube channel, a communion devotional and lead us in the Lord’s Supper.
-When we are done, you will head to your micro-house groups or individual homes as planned for services.  You can find the link to the playlist with worship songs and sermon for the morning here.  The worship list is live now and the sermon will be available in the list by 7am Sunday morning.

Below is a suggested order of service, announcements and sermon notes.  As always please contact me with any questions you may have!

Be a witness,
Pastor Nate

Connect here!

Paul Trip –   Gaging interest from you all on hosting a Parenting/Marriage seminar. Let Nate know if you are interested or   would like more information.
Quiz Meet –   The year-end quiz meet for MN and SD zones will be held virtually on April 25th!  The district championship is being tentatively planned for May 2 also in a virtual environment.  Stay tuned for more details.
Seder Meal – A script is available and will be emailed soon to be able to lead this important remembrance in your family.
Berlin Partnership – We are planning to send a small group of people to Berlin over   Thanksgiving this year. The purpose is   to prepare, cook, serve, and clean up for a Thanksgiving dinner and to spend   directed time in prayer walking the neighborhoods our partners are working   in. Is God calling you to this?
Questions – Have   questions about the sermon or about faith in general? Did something catch   your interest and you want to know more? Need Prayer?
Visitor to the Bridge? Fill out the connect card
Want to help?
Yard/grounds upkeep
-Welcome/hospitality team
-Cleaning – Sign up online
-Sound/Visual tech
What else is happening?
Prayer – Sunday evenings (except 1st Sundays of the month) from 5-6pm at the church.
-Bible Study – “Servant Songs of Isaiah” Sunday mornings 9am at the church (meeting virtually during this time.  If you would like to attend and need the link, please let me or Lee Gabel know).

Order of Service:

Palm Sunday Scripture Reading, Luke 19:28-40

1) Christ Our Hope In Life & Death

2)  Day by Day (Hymnal #56)

Time of Prayer

3)  My Worth is Not In What I Own

Scripture Reading, Luke 18:18-25


4)  In Christ Alone

Sermon Notes:

god of money/success – Luke 18:18-25

Lies that money tells…

1.  Money will ________________________.


2. Money means that ________________________.


3. Money will _________________________________.


4. Money will ________________________.
