checklistSometimes I wonder what God is thinking of all of us Christians. We run around organizing this and planning that. We hold potlucks and fundraisers. We stand for the “right” things, donate our time and money, go to church every Sunday…even attend a small group Bible study. It’s easy to get caught up in “doing” for God and forget about being with Him.

Do we think we can earn His appreciation by checking off a list of religious errands? I don’t mean that attending a small group or giving money, or reading the Bible are bad things. But why do those things matter to the Creator of the universe? Why would He care if I gave 10% of my money to the church? He didn’t need money to create the mountains and the sea at the beginning of time; why does He need it to spread the Gospel now?

Sacrifice is great. But mere sacrifice is not what God is after. He’s looking for a demonstration of our closeness with Him. Hosea 6:6 says; “I want you to show love, not offer sacrifices. I want you to know me more than I want burnt offerings” (NLT). God doesn’t need our help. He does want us to be close to Him, to obey Him, and to know Him intimately.Look at your week. What’s in there that you’re doing for God because that’s good stuff! Now look at your heart in each of those activities. Why are you doing it? Is it because that’s what’s expected or because you love Him so much you just can’t help doing it? In looking at some of my own, I think it’s time to spend some more time on my relationship with Him. How about you?

Be a witness,